Building Department

The Village of Great Neck Buildings Department is responsible for ensuring all structures within the Village of Great Neck comply with Village Code, and New York State Codes, regarding energy conservation and fire prevention.

The Village's Building Department is responsible for issuing building permits, inspecting all projects during and after construction, and issuing Certificates of Occupancy/Certificates of Compliance on all construction projects.

The Village of Great Neck Buildings Department provides permits to landscapers and plumbers who wish to work in the Village, register rental properties,
 issue permits for commercial signs, and issue permits for tree removal.

Requirements vary by Zone. Please consult the Zoning Map on the zoning page to find the Village Code requirement for properties in each zone.

The required initial deposit for Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board site plan applications is $2,500 in escrow. 

Department Name First Name Last Name Profession Email Phone
Building Department Michael Sweeney Superintendent of Buildings (516) 482-2000 ext 111
Building Department Christopher DeGiso Code Enforcement (516) 482-0019 ext 113
Building Department Raffaella Bertucci Building Inspector (516) 482-2000 ext 115
Building Department Jacqueline Nissan Secretary to Planning Board & Secretary to Zoning Board of Appeals (516) 482-2000 ext 114
Building Department Matthew D'Amico Secretary to Zoning Board of Appeals (516) 482-2000 ext. 116
Building Department Sandra Licata Secretary to Architectural Review Committee (516) 482-2000 ext 118