Online Payment Center

Village Tax Payments: 

Pursuant to the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York the last day for the payment of taxes during the interest-free period is July 1, or the next business day following if July 1 is a Saturday or Sunday. If you have any questions about tax payments or need a duplicate bill please call, 516-482-2000. 

You will need your bill number to make an online payment with your debit or credit card. The bill number is located at the top right hand corner of your Village Tax Bill. Omit the leading zeros (if any) when you enter the bill number in the payment field.  To find your bill number, please click here.

To make a payment online click here.

Village Court Payments:
To make a payment online click here. If you have any questions about a ticket or summons please call the Village Court at, 516-487-0775.