Water Restrictions per the Water Authority of Great Neck North

Village of Great Neck Code does not expressly address the topic of water restrictions.  However, residents are beholden to the rules and regulations of the Water Authority of Great Neck North, as follows:

Lawn Watering Regulations:

  • Watering IS NOT permitted between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm.
  • Odd numbered addresses may water on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  • Even numbered addresses may water on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
  • Water lawns slowly and as infrequently as possible.
  • Hoses are required to have nozzles that automatically shut off water when not in use.
  • The washing of driveways and sidewalks is prohibited.
  • Sprinkling is prohibited during periods of precipitation.
  • A rain gauge or moisture sensor is required for all automatic lawn irrigation systems.
  • Lawn watering IS NOT permitted between November 1 and April 15.
For more information, please visit:  www.waterauthorityofgreatnecknorth.com or call